Efficient power and fuel savings for Evoenergy

The Challenge

  • Evoenergy faced the issue of waste and potential generator damage when using a generator sized for peak power at sites with less energy demand.
  • This was highlighted during their deployment at a duplex housing site, where the low demand on the generator could lead to inefficiencies and mechanical issues like cylinder glazing.


  • Aura proposed the HESS30 trailer system as a solution. This system included a more appropriately sized generator and battery storage system, which allowed for more efficient energy use and reduced the operational demand on the generator.
  • The system is designed to be remotely monitored and managed, ensuring optimal performance and reducing the need for physical interventions.
Trailer-mounted HESS30 towed by a ute from Aura Clean Energy


  • The deployment of the HESS30 trailer system resulted in a fuel saving of 111 litres (77.1% of fuel) and reduced carbon emissions by 300kg (CO2).
  • The system reduced generator runtime to only 13.7 hours out of the 72-hour service period, which is substantially less. This not only saved fuel but also minimised noise pollution and wear and tear on the generator.
  • The HESS30 provided 100% service reliability, improved site safety, and allowed for continuous monitoring and management of the service loads, which enhanced the operational efficiency and effectiveness of the energy supply system at the deployment site.

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